
From ZDN User Guide
Revision as of 03:33, 16 February 2024 by (talk | contribs)

Create a new food

Go to Settings > Edit Foods

Create a new food

Add a name and a category

Add ingredients in proportions as fed.

Click outside the table to update the total at the top (currently 100%).  All ingredients must total to 100%.

Slush is the amount extra you need that gets lost in the blender/bowl/processing etc.  It will be added to every recipe at the same amount, no matter how much recipe you make.

Add prep notes and instructions

Food/Recipe notes will show up as prep instructions. Double-click to get a larger text box (set font size in lower corner).

Print recipes

You can either add an end date or a total amount.

  • End date: Will print the total amount needed for a day/week/period of time
  • Total amount: Will make a “batch” of a given weight.

< Set Up Feeds

> Importing feed data from DairyOne